i'm not sure how we got here, but it turns out that it's november again. that seems to be happening a lot faster lately. november brings around nablopomo and for 30 days i make the commitment to say useless bullshit for an entire month that not many people will read. HOORAH! i can make words. i do find that nablopomo helps me feel more inspired for the month of november, which is why i come back each time and pretend that i have time to blog every single day for 30 days. go me.
i can make 2 promises about this month of blogging right now - 1.) i will really try to do it. not for anyone else, but for me. i have really slacked on keeping track of everything in words as of late and i want to be better. 2.) if mitt romney wins the election on tuesday and you are offended by works like fuck, you probably want to not check on my blog for at least a week. and then probably not anymore after january. these are just the facts.
i will try and not talk about my children every post, but they are kind of my world so it tends to happen. i will try not to mention politics every moment, but my vagina and i are a little stressed right now due to the fact that some people in our country think that men know what is best for us. also, because mitt romney is so not what this country needs. not at all. because the thought of mitt romney running our country makes my stomach churn.
this week my family and friends on the east coast experienced hurricane sandy. luckily for my family we did not get hit too hard, and avoided having any of our (many) trees in our yard falling down, but people all around us were devastated. today as i heard more about the awful aftermath from some friends of ours up in jersey, i couldn't help but feel thankful for our lucky outcome and for all that we have right now. work and life can be incredibly stressful, but we have a warm bed to come home to after a long day and we have our health. some days i am guilty of letting my many first world problems overwhelm me, and some days i need to remind myself to stop whining and be nothing less than grateful.
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